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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Personality and Psychological Predictors of Instagram Personalized Ad Avoidance International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 16-May-2023 19 / 1 / 1-22

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Personality and Psychological Predictors of Instagram Personalized Ad Avoidance
Name of Journal International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR)
Volume No 19
Issue No 1
Page No 1-22
URL https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-business-research/1088#indices
Date of Publication 16-May-2023
2 Technical Education Student's Intention to Install M-Learning MOOC Pedagogy International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) 30-Apr-2022 14 / 3 / 2837-2850

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Technical Education Student's Intention to Install M-Learning MOOC Pedagogy
Name of Journal International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)
Volume No 14
Issue No 3
Page No 2837-2850
URL https://int-jecse.net/index.php
Date of Publication 30-Apr-2022
3 Toward an integrated model of consumer reactance: a literature analysis Management Review Quarterly 13-Feb-2020 7 / 1 / 41-90

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Toward an integrated model of consumer reactance: a literature analysis
Name of Journal Management Review Quarterly
Volume No 7
Issue No 1
Page No 41-90
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/11301
Date of Publication 13-Feb-2020
4 Gender Differences in Consumer Shopping Styles in India Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 28-Sep-2018 26 / 3 / 1971-1993

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Gender Differences in Consumer Shopping Styles in India
Name of Journal Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum.
Volume No 26
Issue No 3
Page No 1971-1993
URL Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
Date of Publication 28-Sep-2018
5 Mobile User's Engagement Intention towards Facebook App: A Mediation Analysis Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems - JARDCS 15-Mar-2018 10 / 03-special issue / 451-462

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Mobile User's Engagement Intention towards Facebook App: A Mediation Analysis
Name of Journal Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems - JARDCS
Volume No 10
Issue No 03-special issue
Page No 451-462
URL https://www.jardcs.org/
Date of Publication 15-Mar-2018

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter International Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Management From Trial To Loyalty: Understanding Purchase And Continuation Intentions In The Ott Streaming Market 24/02/2025 World College of Technology and Mangement International
2 Conference Presenter International Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Management The Study of Value Perception of Purchase Intention for Luxury Fashion Brands 24/02/2025 World College of Technology and Mangement International
3 Conference Presenter International Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Management Transforming Online Fashion Retail in India: The Role of Augmented Reality (AR) in Consumer Engagement and Brand Advocacy 24/02/2025 World College of Technology and Mangement International
4 Seminar Organizer Digital Marketing Trends 17/04/2024 Christ University Institutional
5 Conference Presenter National Conference on Business Opportunities and challenges to Entrepreneurship The Thread of Environmentally Sustainable Practices with Green Satisfaction and Customer Citizenship Behaviour in the Indian fashion industry, 16/04/2024 M.A.M B School National
6 Conference Presenter National conference on business opportunities and challenges to entrepreneurship. Understanding the Consumer Disposable behaviour in the Fashion and apparel industry for the Gen Z population 16/04/2024 M.A.M B School National
7 Conference Presenter National conference on business opportunities and challenges to entreprenuership. Investigating the role of brand communication in creating memorable brand experiences in the FMCG Sector 16/04/2024 M.A.M Business School National
8 Conference Presenter National conference on business opportunities and challenges to entreprenuership. Understanding the consumer switch to eco-friendly packaging of Indian Namkeens among Indian Gen Z Consumers. 16/04/2024 M.A.M Business School National
9 Conference Presenter National conference on business opportunities and challenges to entreprenuership. A Study on Cognitive Dissonance & Post Purchase Consumer Behaviour with Special Reference to Smart Phone Industry 16/04/2024 M.A.M Business School National
10 Conference Presenter National conference on business opportunities and challenges to Entreprenuership. Understanding the Impact of Influencer Marketer Characteristics on Consumer Purchase Intention of Gadgets in Instagram 16/04/2024 M.A.M Business School National
11 Conference Presenter National conference on business opportunities and challenges to Entrepreneurship. Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Buying Behaviour for mobile and electronics products in India 16/04/2024 M.A.M Business School National
12 Conference Presenter National conference on business opportunities and challenges to entreprenuership. Understanding the Impact of Promotional Push Notifications of Grocery Shopping APPS on Consumer Purchase Intention. 16/04/2024 M.A.M Business School National
13 Conference Presenter e 15th National Conference on Contemporary Management and Research, The Impact of Emotional Advertising towards Purchase Intention of Home Appliance Products in India 02/02/2024 Apeejay School of Management National
14 Conference Presenter International Conference on Multi-disciplinary concepts in managent Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing 30/06/2023 Christ University International
15 Conference Presenter 14th National Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business, Governance & Innovation (NACCMAR -2023) Factors influencing the actual usage of container shipping e-commerce platform: An application of TAM 23/06/2023 Christ University National
16 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Business Practices and Innovative Models-2023 The moderation effect of fear of missing out on the intention to invest in cryptocurrency among millennials and generation Z 23/03/2023 Christ University International
17 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Business Practices and Innovative Models-2023 The role of membership interaction and activity involvement towards consumer willingness to participate in sports virtual brand community 23/03/2023 Christ University International
18 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainable Business Practices and Innovative Models-2023". Towards Examining the link between workplace spirituality and workplace agility: Banking Industry 23/03/2023 Christ University International
19 Conference Moderator/Chair Sustainable Business Practices and Innovative Models 23/03/2023 Christ University International
20 Seminar Presenter "Geographical Indications of Odisha" "Geographical Indications of Odisha" 02/03/2023 ASBM University National
21 Conference Presenter International conference on management, commerce, arts and engineering Emerging trends in blockchain technology 29/09/2022 ST Ann's college for women International
22 Conference Presenter National Conference on Emerging trends in business and management Coronavirus Pandemic: Transforming the Future of Education across the Globe 25/06/2022 Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj University National
23 Conference Presenter International Virtual Conference on - Multidisciplinary Research and Studies? Personality And Psychological Predictors Of Facebook Ad Avoidance 29/05/2022 Indrapuran Institute Of Higher Studies International
24 Conference Presenter 10th International Conference on recent engineering and technology 2020 Personality and Psychological Predictors of Instagram personalized ad avoidance 21/06/2020 Organisation of science and innovative engineering and technology (OSIET) India International
25 Conference Presenter International Conference on Emerging trends in Social, Business and Management Sciences Research (ICSBMR) 2018 Perceived personalization, privacy concern, e-WOM recommendations towards personalized advertising in social networking sites and consumers? click through intention 15/06/2018 VIT University International
26 Conference Presenter National Conference on Marketing & Sustainable Development Antecedents and Consequences of customer reactance towards social and digital media marketing 13/10/2017 Annamacharya Institute of technology and sciences National
27 Conference Presenter National Conference on Marketing and Sustainable Development Antecedents of Customer Attitude and Purchase Intention towards Private Label Food Brands 13/10/2017 Annamarcharya Institue of Technology and sciences National
28 Conference Presenter International Conference on Lifting up the Next Generation Women to meet cross cultural challenges Compulsive buying behaviors in women: An Empirical pilot study examining self-esteem and social desirability 08/03/2017 Auxilium college, India. International
29 Conference Presenter 10th NASMEI CONFERENCE 2016 an International conference on Marketing The Role of Hedonism, Sociability and Technical convenience as drivers of Customer Engagement among Mobile app users 23/12/2016 Great Lakes International
30 Conference Presenter National Conference on Leveraging Social Media for Success in the 21st Century Society Towards better understanding of M-learning: An application of the extended technology acceptance model (TAM)? 10/12/2016 VIT University National
31 Conference Presenter National Conference On Management and business opportunities in the present competitive scenario Determinants and outcomes of ad intrusiveness and ad attitude ?a review towards digital and social media advertising 03/12/2016 VIT University National
32 Conference Presenter International Conference On Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), VIT Business School, VIT University, India. Antecedents of customer attitude and purchase intention towards private label food brands 07/11/2016 VIT Univesity International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Gender Equality in Digitalisation Guest Talk 27/02/2025 CHRIST University
2 AI in Marketing Powe of AI tools for enhanced research 13/07/2024 SRM Institute Of Science And Technology
3 Open Access Publications and Initiatives 4-week Orientation Program on Research Publication Ethics and Research Methodology 27/06/2023 Baba Masthnath University
4 UGC Infonet and Shodhganga 4-week Orientation Program on Research Publication Ethics and Research Methodology 27/06/2023 Baba Masthnath University
5 Open Access Publications and Initiatives 4-week Orientation Program on Research Publication Ethics and Research Methodology 08/06/2023 Baba Masthnath University
6 Developing vision and mission for the startup. Developing Business plan report and pitch desk. 14/12/2022 Christ University
7 Effective Resultants of Review of Literature Researcher's Forum 04/03/2022 SRM (Deemed to be University)

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Perception of Higher Education Stakeholders Towards the Socio-Economic Impact of NEP 2020 initiative: A Case of Deemed-to-be Universities in Karnataka State HALASWAMY D, SRIRAM M,DEBORA DHANYA A,SMITHA S,SANTOSH SATYANARAYAN BAHETI External

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Qualitative Analysis Using ATLAS.ti software Dhamma Dipa International Buddhist University International 17/01/2025
2 Business Analysis & Process Managemen Coursera International 10/01/2025
3 Empowering Professions in Emerging Technologies for Competency Building DonBosco Institute of Technology National 06/01/2025
4 Digital Literacy for Educators BRB College of Commerce, Raichur, Karnataka International 23/12/2024
5 Integrated Marketing Communications IE Business School International 10/11/2024
6 Outcome Based Education Madurai Kamaraj University National 04/04/2024
7 Perception of Higher Education Stakeholders Towards the Socio-Economic Impact of NEP 2020 Initiative: A Case of Deemed-to-be Universities in Karnataka State CHRIST UNIVERSITY National 24/02/2024
8 One week International MDP on Developing people at Workplace a catalyst for change SRM Institute of Science and Technology International 01/12/2023
9 Structural Equation Modelling with SmartPLS and SPSS AMOS, BMS College of Engineering International 27/11/2023
10 Transformation in Teaching and Learning: An Insight to Modern Education Krupanidhi Degree college National 11/09/2023
11 Data Analytics using R Programming ISBR Business School International 25/07/2023
12 FDP-I CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 26/06/2023
13 Understanding the task parameters for teaching and assesing English writing skills. Vellore Institue of Technology, Chennai National 08/05/2023
14 Advance data analysis and research methodology Institute for policy research in economics, management and social development (IPREMS) Berhampur National 07/04/2023
15 Systematic Literature Review Nuhianwali Education Society International 20/03/2023
16 Sustainable Teaching Practices-Education 4.0 Sanskriti School of Business National 23/01/2023
17 E-content Development CHRIST (Deemed to be University) NCR Institutional 28/11/2022
18 Data Analysis in R using STATCRAFT Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida National 26/11/2022
19 Digital Marketing Geetham University Institutional 12/09/2022
20 Intellectual Property Rights-Patents and Design Process K R Mangalam University National 22/08/2022
21 Managning Interpersonal Relationships through Emotional Intelligence Gitarattan International Business School National 07/07/2022
22 Quality Assurance in Management Education School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University), Delhi NCR Campus. Institutional 29/06/2022
23 Enhancing teaching and learning: The journey from being good to great CHRIST (Deemed to be University) NCR Institutional 22/06/2022
24 Leveraging the power teaching pedagogy: A through case study method SBM, UNIVERSITY NCR Institutional 20/06/2022
25 7th International Workshop on Research and Methodology Eudoxia Research University International 31/05/2022
26 Meta-Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review SBM, CHRIST UNIVERSITY NCR Institutional 20/05/2022
27 Online Faculty development programme on Contemporary topics in marketing management IIM, Indore International 01/03/2021
28 Data Science with R CHRIST , NCR Institutional 11/01/2021
29 Orientation Programme CHRIST , NCR Institutional 02/11/2020
30 Advance Research Methods J.C Bose University of science and Technology, International 08/06/2020
31 Analytics using R for data science and Tableau". Jain University International 29/05/2020
32 Social Entrepreneurship KPB Hinduja College of Commerce National 28/05/2020
33 Case writing and Teaching BMS College of Engineering International 11/05/2020


(Deemed to be University)

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